Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Writer's block

I have to apologize for the negligence I have been showing towards my blog. I know that it has been quite a while since I last posted anything and as so, I have decided to tackle the issue at hand. The reason for my sudden absence is nothing more than a mundane writer's block. I have sat in front of my screen for the past week and stared at this site trying to come up with something worth writing, and have always come up with the same result. A blank page and mind.

This is why now, as a means to unblock the creative part of my brain, I have decided to just sit and write. Tackle the issue at hand and bash it until it falls. I know this is not the best idea since what comes out may or may not be just senseless rant, but it is the only way I know of in which I can deal with this ailment which afflicts me. Just sit down, and type whatever comes to mind.

I have watched this past few days a couple of movies; 300 and Jet Li's Fearless. 300 is a movie that ever since I heard about it, I've longed to be able to watch it. I should inform you that I am a huge fan of anything that is epic and most fantasy books and concepts, so 300 was a no brainer for me. I was very disappointed when I found out that the studio making the movie was Warner Bros. This is not due to some issue I may have against such studio, but rather because Warner Bros. decided a couple of years ago to stop screening its movies here in Paraguay. In other words, I wouldn't get the chance to watch 300 in the theatres. I was heart broken and still am. Watching it, although it was a great movie and I watched it tow more times before returning the dvd, only made me a bit more sour about not being able to enjoy this two hour carnage in the big screen.

Fearless, is also another movie I have been anxiously waiting for, not only because it's a wushu film (and I'm a lover of those) but because it is Jet Li's last wushu film. The movie is loosely based on real life, on the story of Hou Yuanjia, a Chinese hero. I loved the movie, not only because of the fighting scenes which are breathtaking and masterfully done, but because it actually makes one feel. Most American martial art movies are plain and without any real depth. They deal about the main character seeking revenge from the bad guys, and hideously outnumbered makes his way through lines of thugs breaking every single bone he can until he comes face to face with the "boss" of the organization or terrorist cell and manages to kill him.
There is no real plot depth or any other motive beyond seeking revenge, not even justice, just plain revenge. In this sense Fearless in unlike any other in that the main character undergoes a transformation and by the end of the movie he is another person, so to speak. I highly recommend it since it is a movie that makes one feel and realize some truths about not only our world, but also about ourselves.

I believe I have written enough for today. I will be posting more often again and I will try to focus and redirect this blog towards what its original purpose was, a Haven.


- Me! said...

Carnage and wushu... are you a violent person? XD Just kidding. If you want to watch it again, I'd be happy to rent it so we can do that... when I have some time off.

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Sure, get any of both and let's watch it at home. Let me know, maybe saturday night ^^

And for the record...I'm not violent and am actually quite a peace lover. But when time to fight for somehting I believe in arises, I'm not one to cower.

Rachel said...

T_T i wanna watch the duel again ToT ...

Rachel said...

you know what i hate about this thing (blog) .. the sentence i have to writte to post my comments... then u wonder why people doesn't post ...

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

What sentence?

Rachel said...

example: lquiukvi (tht is wht i must write to post a comment)...ive got longer ones XDDD

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Well, that is to make sure you are a human being and not a software bot spamming all blogs with random advertisement...so I'm thankful for it XD

Rachel said...

the problem is.. im a lazy human xD