Thursday, August 09, 2007

Eternal Frustration

If I have to name a curse upon me the first to come up will surely be my incapacity to write. I know it may sound a bit incoherent, specially since I have a blog and tend to write long entries; but length is not the same a quality, and that is specially true in my case. No matter what I do or how much I work on any single writing, what ends up in paper is never but a shade of what hides within the dark recesses of my mind.

Any time that I want to write something that I thought of, it does not come out as it should. I believe that to be the reason of why I hate to have notes whenever I have to preach or give a speech, I simply prefer to research the topic and then go straight to the battlefront. This only changes whenever I have to preach. Then, under my pastor's advice, I do write down a speech/preaching, though what I end up saying from the culprit is rarely close to what I had prepared.

Anyhow, this senseless ranting comes from the fact that it has been my lifelong desire to write a book; be this a novel; Christian book; short story compendium; or simply any type of thing that would outlive me and thus be my heritage tot he generations to come. Believe this to be a bit narcissistic if you will, yet I do believe that all humans have something, be this thought or not, that must outlive us since we all have something to share and to teach. I want to have something to be remembered by; yet something positive. I know I have something to offer to all of our sons, just as I know you have something to share too.

Now, leaving all deliriums of grandeur behind, the fact that I can't write down anything worthwhile is quite infuriating. Being an English teacher, it is my job to know all techniques of how to write different types of papers just as it is encouraging my students to actually write, so I do know what to do and also know that if I were to follow my own advices, I would probably end up writing my precious and personal holy grail. Yet I am sorry to admit that I am too weak. As I told my class today, I, also, am an idiot; and a big one at that. Maybe it is time for me to heed my own advices, finally, and stop putting excuses and simply go into action. Maybe the first time will go awry, but sooner or later, if I persevere, one of my tries will hit the bullseye.


Unknown said...

I think that your frustration is natural . It's not a matter of lacking writing skills, it's a matter of not knowing the tools a writer must use to perfect his craft.
Good writing, like any form of art, requires not only good ideas but also a thorough understanding of the principles of storytelling. If you get acquainted with these first (I recommend reading Robert McKee's 'Story'), then writing will become more pleasant and natural (though not less hard).
Again, it's not that you lack talent (I know you have it). It's about learning how to properly channel your ideas using storytelling principles. I'll try to scan a few pages of that book to show you what I mean.

Rachel said...

yeah! listen to guille he knows better!! u have the skills we are anoooother case xD pleaseee mercyy ToT!! hahah. we all are specting 4 ure book..soo..^^ haha write it XD i want ure autograph in mine!! >< XDXD im so tekorei XD i should leave XDXD bye!!

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Thx Guille, I would really appreciate it if you could facilitate the book for me. I think that of all people you know best for how long I have longed to write something ending only in frustration again.

Unknown said...

Vic!!!! You rock! You just have to apply what you always tell us to do.. I mean listen to your own advice!! I really want a piece of your brain!!

Be dangerous! :P