Monday, August 06, 2007


Since I can recall, I have always been very excitable. As soon as I new I could get something, be this buying it or through other methods, I have felt the urge to get it as soon as humanly possible. I know that this is quite an annoying quirk for the people around me since I do tend to get very pushy and even upset when I can not get that which I know I can in that exact moment. As my wife put it recently, I act like a pushy two year old.

Yet leaving this fact aside for a moment, let me argue my defence. The idea that drives me to behave in such an infantile way is that I hate people who procrastinate things that can be done in the moment. I admit that I do behave in such a way once in a while (procrastinate things), so it may make me sound as a hypocrite when I rant about how much procrastinators annoy me; yet I have an excuse (don't we all). You see, I procrastinate things that I know are not important or that I know that I still have quite some time to do it. I do this as to prioritize other things that I have to do and do them as soon as possible. Yet I too am human, so once in a while I will also over delay things of importance and thus get myself in problems once in a while, to say the least.

If you are wondering why I have this little pet peeve -procrastinators- all you have to do is take a look at the culture of the country I reside in to get your answer. Paraguay. Paraguayans have the "blessed" habit of over delaying every single thing they have to do, and when the time to actually do it comes, they tend to do it in the most mediocre way possible; the infamous "ya da ya" (it's OK). This is only one of the cultural issues that has Paraguay in the hole it currently is in. Paraguayans, as an American Uncle quite accurately put it not long ago, have no pride. I can hear some arising in anger at this statement, but it only takes a quick glance to see how true this is. We ( I include myself here since alienating myself from the problem will only make make me think it doesn't affect me and thus will stop me from trying to do something about it) have a tendency to just get things done, it the shortest time possible (once we actually start doing it) and not care about the actual end product rather than if it fulfils it's purpose or not. This is how we end with bad quality national products; producers only care that the couch they are selling will be good enough for you to sit on, and overlook completely its comfortableness or even aspect. Home owners just care about having furniture, and couldn't care less about actually decorating their homes with good taste or even harmony. It is a cancer that has been killing Paraguay for over a century and which, needless to say,should be eradicated once and for all if Paraguay is ever to climb out of the hole and make something out of its existence.

Well, enough ranting, and as I told a very good friend some time ago "If all you do is complain and not try to see how you can help, you are nothing more than an aggregate to the problem" (I know I took it from somewhere else, but I can't recall from where now) so instead of looking for the problem, it is time to look for a solution. I end this entry with a quote form one of the best video games in history (for me in any case), Final Fantasy VI.

"You want to live in the world as it is? No? Then do something about it!"
~ General Celes Chere, FF VI


Anonymous said...

Wooow!!! You really got inspired.. didn´t you? hehe!! Everything you wrote is true.. We are like that! haha.. but we can change though.. theres still hope!! :P

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Yes there is. There is always hope, in Jesus and God that is. Only through Him can get change for good.

Anonymous said...

aaaaaah y ensima que escribi un monton no subio mi comentario!! me enoje ><