Thursday, November 22, 2007

Flowery Entry

I took these pictures at my garden and my mom's. I just loved how these flowers looked.

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. Luke 12:27-29


Rachel said...

i was going to ask .. why flowers? its just so typical to see pictures of flowers and was going to start talking about tht, but.. i saw the pics more detenidamente. and vik... those pics are great. the angle and light... i dunno. ure great really.
still i prefer pics with people tht express a feeling and an idea and are not just pics meant to look good =P

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Why Flowers? Well, simple, they are one of the most beautiful things you may find. Just as the bible verse says, no matter who you a´re, what you do or what you have, you'll never come even as close as being or having something as beautiful as nature. It's art, as simple as that. Plus, to take pictures of people you have to wait for the right moment, you have to prepare, hunt for the second in which the shoot would express the best or the most. With flowers, they're just there, perfect, beautiful, sublime.
But don't worry, people pics are bound to show up ^^

Unknown said...

Me encanta la Plumeria! La primera es mi Apocynaceae favorita de veras, es uno de mis arboles favoritos de entre los introducidos.
De entre las Plumerias que conozco esa es la que mas me gusta por el aroma que despide, es muy bonito de veras.
Acerca del resto, lindas fotos pero no se tanto de jardineria xD

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Jajaja, the first grows in my garden (if you can call it a garde) so you can come and take flowers from it whenever you want. Or seed also if you prefer ^^

Unknown said...

These are great. As you get more into it, you may want to start thinking about varying your compositions and playing with different angles. Most of these are pretty centered and the flowers are facing straight to camera.
I did a quick search for some basic rules of composition. There's a ton of websites but here's one for you to check out:
Can't wait to see more!

Anonymous said...

Vik, noto tu lado casero/jardinero.. Loved the photos :)