Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Through the Lens.

I have finally fulfilled one of my goals for this year, I bought a digital camera (better late than never). As an immediate after-effect I began taking pictures of anything I could focus through the lens of it. I have always been quite a photography enthusiast and a bit of an amateur. I could never really delve very deep into this field since I have never actually owned a camera of my own, much less a digital one, yet now that I have acquired one at long last I am able to embark on my photography quest.

I shall be posting the pictures I take which I deem worthy of becoming public (remember I'm still an amateur and a very inexperienced at that so don't expect too much just yet). I have also been developing some passion for image editing via software such as photoshop, though due to the lack of any, I have had to settle for MS paint so far. While it is hard to edit or even do something semi elaborate with it, I have been able to produce a couple of wallpapers and banners I actually feel proud of.

That said, let the picture frenzy begin. I will upload now a wallpaper, a banner, and a photograph I really feel proud of.

This is a wallpaper I made using Sascha's eye.

This is a banner I made using my wife's eye for my forum's signature.

This is my wife, Kitty.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

congrats for the camera^^. i love the pic of kitty! and... ure so tekorei for using paint to do those things hahah. good luck with photography