Friday, September 14, 2007

What This World Needs

Ever since my friend Guille gave me the first Casting Crowns cd for me to listen to it I have loved this band. They have been a true blessing in my life and every song in every CD ministers my spirit as I have found almost no other band does. It showed and confirmed something which I always thought to be true, that a christian band can not, under any circumstance just be that, a band. That a christian band is not christian because they profess faith in Jesus and mix his name in some verses. That for a christian band to truly be one, there has to be a message, an abandonment to the work of Christ and a desire to serve other. That christian can not be musicians just because they like it and they wish to perform on-stage, but because it is a true calling from God in their lives and because they will minister other not only through their songs, but through their life. I truly recommend them to you if you don't know them yet.

I post here below the lyrics of a sing from their third album "The altar and the Door". The song's title is "What this World needs". This song has been a confirmation in my life of something I have always believed but that the world in which we live, Christian or non-Christian, makes it difficult to see and accept. We are sometimes so involved in our own church that we forget that we are but a cell of the body of Christ; not even a member, but a cell.

- Casting Crowns Lyrics

Please do leave your comments and reflections on this subject and on the lyrics, and if you have the chance, get a Casting Crowns CD. Believe me, you won't regret it.


Rachel said...

wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii xDDDD ok XDXD i always check ure blog anyways =P... i just have nothing to say about this post XD

Rachel said...

when ull post again?!

Anonymous said...

I love Casting Crowns!!!!!!!!!!