Friday, September 28, 2007

Dancing Link

Since I can recall, I have been a huge video game fan. This has earned me the dub of "Geek" by a friend of mine (who, ironically, is even a bigger geek than me) to which all I have to say is "proud of it". Now, this posts name is "old school" simply because I consider myself an old school gamer. I've been playing video games since 1984, in those days I played my cousin's Atari console tirelessly (I was 2), and have never stopped.

One of my favourite, if not THE favourite altogether, is The Legend of Zelda. I consider the game the best game in history (for all of you wondering which one, well, ALL of them) and a must for any person who even dares to call himself a console video gamer; not having played Zelda is like not having played Mario. That's simply not right.

I was looking recently for two Zelda ads, one is the first Ocarina of Time ad, which is one of the best video games ads in history (this is the fan boy in me talking); and the other is a short demonstration Nintendo produced for when the gamecube was still called the dolphin of Link and Ganondorf duelling with sword (I can still remember being awed for hour on that 30 second video). I have found the Ocarina one and am still looking for the duel one, as soon as I find it I will post both of them.

Anyhow, while looking for it, I stumbled upon this very interesting Japanese ad for A link to the Past, a video game which simply is a true master piece. I found it so funny and at the same time perturbing that I thought I should share it with you. I hope you like it.

Just remember, it's a Japanese ad from the early 90s.


- Me! said...

It's a Japanese commercial from the beginning of the 90s. The world was still adapting to the existence of Madonna as a 'virgin' (I'm referring to the song...) and... there's this commercial that for Japanese standards is not especially weird; it's pop Japanese style; you may think it's weird - from your very American point of view - or even silly. The point is -if you've seen the first episode of 'Heroes' you'll understand it better - :it's Japan, they don't normally behave that way! If you want to understand this even better, I suggest you watch both versions of "Shall We Dance", the American and the Japanese - the Japanese is the original one. It's a ridiculous movie to be American, but it's great for being Japanese; wondering why? It's a matter or culture. I could go on for hours talking about this, but I'd rather leave for a face-to-face conversation over a nice cup of hot coffee or black tea! You're invited! (If you find many mistakes here, it's all because I'm in a hurry!)

Rachel said...

xD funny...