Monday, September 22, 2008

Drums of War

A rumble far and away, a rumble that sounds astray,
It bears memories of old, it bears doom to all.
A red sun rises today again, A red sun that despairs all men,
Memories of carnage and gore, memories forgotten nevermore.

A rumble sounds again, this time closer, closer to the end,
A rumble that bears honour and courage, that defies terror and death,
A rumble that instils strength beyond all pledge, leaving men bereft of their breath.

The Drums of War are thundering, and with them battle is looming in,
Cower you can not, since fate misses naught.
This battle has to be met, a battle from which you won't be kept.

Ravaging all who stand oppose, vicious fiends, enmities of old,
Demons who summon all woes, spirits of horrors untold.
Yet a hero must arise, a with him hope make anew
The hero who in us resides, the hero who is always true.

Him who defies carnage and gore, and is spoken of in ancient lore,
Him who death can not keep, and who comforts all those who weep.
He is the one who rallies you to his side, the one who in you wants to abide.
Make your stand, forget the past, your true hero and saviour has arrived at last.

So cast away all doubt, and in joy begin to shout,
For the drums of war fall silent, and with it all who are violent.
So make a stand, and make no move, for your life is about to improve.


Melissa Ramos Vaesken said...

At last I can read it in peace and with time... I like the rhymes and the descriptive events of the final fight. The hero is the Mesiah, Jesus Christ.. in us :) Sublime description in deed... specially comforting the last stanza in times of despair...

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Indeed it is. I wonder though, is it too obvious? Or is it only obvious to Christians? What's more, is it only evident to us (people who know me personally)?

Rachel said...

you are obvious in almost all the things you write. XD it has almost always something to do with jesus or christianity. (for the exeption of the Mcal Lopez writting)

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

Again, that leaves us still with the question if it is only obvious to those who know me. Still, I am glad that it does show.

Unknown said...

Loved it!! It was obvious to me but because I am a Christian.. I don't know if it is because I know you because honestly, I barely know you xD
besides.. it is the first time I read one of your writings..

Victor R. Vasconsellos K. said...

I try to tinge all my writings at least a bit with Christianity. Although I do not like to be openly preachy, Christian morals and values are always present; a fact I believe to be undeniable since when one writes, one puts a bit of ones souls down along with the ink. Given that the our spirit is -or at least supposed to be- in communion and communication with God, it is only natural to assume that his own self will also be set down along with your self.

In any case, I am glad you enjoyed my humble prose and honestly hope you will continue reading previous entries as well as future ones.